Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Benefit of Blogging

Our main goal in the LOTE classroom is to have students communicate in the target language.  Blogging is a useful tool that can be used to promote communication.  The majority of students probably have not used blogging in their classes. The mere novelty of this activity makes it appealing to students. In addition, it would get students using the language outside of class in a more authentic manner. It would probably not be perceived as "contrived" like the more traditional assignments from worksheets and textbooks might be.

In the LOTE classroom, a question can be posed by the teacher and students can respond in the target language.  Questions can target specific vocabulary being studied in class.  The more controversial the topic, the more the students will be apt to write.  It is my hope that students can speak their posts as well, if this is possible.

As students post their responses, they can also begin to comment on others' responses. I am hoping that students will put forth more effort knowing that both the teacher and their peers will be reading and responding to what they write.


  1. Your assignment idea really sounds great. Increasing the use of the foreign language through this new media and having the exchange occur between students would go a long way towards improving all students skill level.

  2. I like that Idea! Shelly, what levels do you teach? I have notices with using Moodle that the kids are much more invested in their own responses when they know that they are publishing it to the world! Great Idea!

  3. I feel exactly the same way Michele! Any time we can get the kids to think about and practice their language learning outside of class is fantastic!! I also think that blogging may help those who are a bit "insecure" with their speaking abilities to open up with their peers.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Michele I agree, blogging is a great tool for students to practice reading and writing in the target language. It makes practicing language authentic because students are publishing their writing for the world, not just the teacher.

  6. First of all, I like that your blog is pink. Anyway...I also like that you have pointed out the fact that students, although they may be more willing to share feelings, and express themselves in the target language through blogging, will still have some level of "is this correct?" because they know that both teacher and peers will be looking at it. I guess blogging seems to strike the correct balance...I remember learning in Health class (thanks Tara Merino) about different kinds of stress. While I can't quite remember all the terms I remember there are a few where there is too much stress (often leading to negative consequences), one where an individual does not feel enough stress (also leading to negative consequences) and then there's something called "eustress" (maybe I made that up). Anyway, eustress is the perfect amount of stress because it serves as a constructive motivator. That was my long and drawn out way of explaining how blogging strikes the correct balance for foreign language students. Did anyone understand that?
