Sunday, January 31, 2010

Reflection 2

The tool I found most useful was blogging.  Spanish IV students will soon watch a film and Ms. Hurysz and I will use blogging to pose questions about the film to students. I think that students will be more invested responding to the questions in a blog format rather than simply using pen and paper.


  1. I agree. By asking students to blog you are asking them to write for a global audience rather than an audience of one. They will put more time into their writing knowing others will read it.

  2. Absolutely! I used a wiki with my Level II's and they loved having discussions with each other in the TL in that way versus on paper or verbally. It has definitely helped with their comfort level is using Spanish

  3. Yes, and I think that going forward we will be able to incorporate more and more of these tools into our teaching for the Spanish IV students. This curriculum really lends itself to these tools that will allow the students to collaborate more and use their language in more authentic ways.
